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Civic Reticulation

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39 Irvine Street

08 9271 2720

About Us

Reticulation Installations & Repairs
With over 30 years experience in bore, pump, reticulation service and repairs in Perth, why would you look elsewhere?
Our dedicated team of service technicians are fully trained and equipped to diagnose, repair and maintain your irrigation system. Friendly, trustworthy, prompt and efficient performance is what we have built our excellent local reputation on.
We specialise in new bore drilling and installations, centrifugal and submersible pump repairs or replacements, electrical diagnosis, check valve replacements, reboring new sand spears, converting manual to an automatic system, sprinkler & pipe repairs, leak detection, solenoid valve locating and wiring troubleshooting, controller repairs and replacements. We use our local licensed plumber and electrician available where required as they are the experts in there field.