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Groundwater Imaging Pty Ltd

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82 St Georges Tce

02 6882 7465

About Us

We specialize in towing geophysical equipment across farmland and inland waterways for the purpose of imaging the substrate groundwater and geological properties. Ancillary to this goal, we provide 3D graphics of our data and/or drillers logs from government databases. We offer hydrogeophysical and other electrical geophysical services to farmers, irrigation engineers, hydrogeologists and mineral explorers.
Using our product HERBI we investigate canal and reservoir seepage and bathymetry. Using AgTEM we site water bores. We conduct larger scale surveys for detailing coupled river-aquifer systems (connected surface water and groundwater systems), saline inflow to rivers, groundwater conceptual models, managed aquifer recharge sites, and land salinisation hazards. We also conduct mineral exploration on open farmland and rangeland.
We offer both a survey service as well as, in some cases, our technological solutions to others who may wish to do likewise. Our business involves three principle categories: Waterborne, land based and graphics.