e-News Edition #7

Date: 26-Apr-2023

Hot Topics

1. 2023 Waterwise Irrigation Expo - Exhibition Space on Sale Now

2. WatSave Awards

3. World Heritage Irrigation Structures

4. Call for Articles for Winter Journal Edition

5. Introduction of Mental Health Pamphlets

6. Free HR Webinar for QLD Farmers

1. 2023 Waterwise Irrigation Expo - Exhibition Space on Sale Now

The 2023 Waterwise Irrigation Expo will be held in August at Optus Stadium in Perth.  Exhibition space has been selling fast since the initial promotion with over 40% secured. 

The Waterwise Irrigation Expo is the premier Western Australian event for the urban landscape industry. This biennial event provides Exhibitors a face-to-face opportunity with delegates from all sectors of the irrigation industry including Local Govt Parks & Gardens Teams, Landscapers, Irrigation Installers, Contractors and Retailers and Turf Managers.

Secure your space today - download the Prospectus OR Register here. 

2.WatSave Awards

Nominations are invited from individuals/teams for these prestigious international awards.

Recognizing the need to encourage innovations in irrigation and drainage, ICID instituted WatSave Annual Award(s) in 1997 which are presented each year to recognize outstanding contributions to water conservation or water saving in agriculture. The Awards given to individuals or a team of individuals are made in respect of actual realized savings and not for promising research results, plans and/or good ideas/intentions to save water.

The WatSave Awards are given in four categories: (i) Technology (ii) Innovative Water Management (iii) Young Professionals; and (iv) Farmer(s) to recognize outstanding contribution to water conservation or water-saving for the benefit of all water users. Only one nomination in each category is allowed from a member National Committee. More details including the procedure for submitting nominations can be accessedhere.

Each of the above awards carries an honorarium of US$ 2000 and a Citation/ Plaque.

Check out Australia’s winning 2022 entry Leveraging Canal Automation Technology To Improve Karnataka’s Precious Water Resources and other past award winners here.

If you are part of a project you believe has potential, please contact dave.cameron@irrigation.org.au before 31 May and we will arrange for consideration by the Australian national committee.

3. World Heritage Irrigation Structures

Nominations are also invited for the selection of “World Heritage Irrigation Structures” (WHIS) that includes both old operational irrigation structures as well as those having an archival value.  A National Committee can nominate up to 4 structures.

 Read more about the Dethridge Outlet/ Wheel here – the 2022 winner from Australia.

As with Watsave, if you are aware of a structure worth of consideration, please contact dave.cameron@irrigation.org.au before 31 May and we will arrange for consideration by the Australian national committee.

4. Call for Articles for Winter Journal Edition

With our upcoming release of our Winter Journal Edition, our wonderful editor, Eve White, is starting to compile the next Journal edition, due for publication towards the end of May.

If you have an idea for a case study or technical article you’d like to share with the industry, please get in touch with Eve to discuss.

The features for Winter are ‘Urban Design’ and ‘Irrigation Water Sources’ but we welcome articles focussing on all aspects of the industry. The deadline for all material is 12 May 2023. 

For all potential content providers and advertisers, check out the media kit available here.  Eve’s contact details are on the last page, along with our advertising manager, Brian Rault’s.

5.Introduction of Mental Health Pamphlets

We’ve recently started including pamphlets in all of the statements of attainment and certificates that we send out to students when they complete their training. These pamphlets provide a brief summary of how we can promote good mental health in the workplace, and where you can go to find support when you need it.

Each of our students are often employees or employers themselves, so we believe in supporting them in maintaining a healthy, positive and productive workplace. Creating a mentally healthy workplace is not only the role of the managers, but also the role of each and every staff member of an organisation, as it requires companywide commitment and support.

If you are interested in learning more about looking after your mental health in the workplace, or even just in general, head over to Heads Up to gain access to a wide range of resources, information and advice. www.headsup.org.au 

6. Free HR Webinar for QLD Farmers

This free webinar is being held in collaboration with Queensland Farmers’ Federation’s Industry Workforce Advisor - Agriculture and Horticulture, Kym Wessling, and is open to all Queensland farmers and agriculture businesses, regardless of industry.

The Industry Workforce Advisor program is proudly supported and funded by the Queensland Government.

The webinar will also provide the opportunity for you to learn more about $5000 grants available through the Workforce Connect Fund available for Queensland businesses to access HR support.

 Till next time, best wishes.... Back to list