e-News Edition #28
Date: 24-Jul-2024
Hot Topics
1. Message from the CEO
2. Industry Workshops presented at the Irrigation Australia Conference and Exhibition
3. Irrigation Australia Awards – Honouring Industry leaders!
4. August & September Training Courses – Register Now!
5. Launching Soon! – Irrigation Careers Website – Share your Journey!
6. Mental Health Article – From Disappointment to Development: A Resilient Approach Student Tips for Study
7. WaterAid Australia Celebrates 20 Years of Transformative Impact in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
8. Introducing Irrigation Insights – Induction Course
9. Agribusiness Training for Emerging Industry Producers
10. Citrus Watch Program – A National Citrus Biosecurity Program
1. Message from the CEO
Gidday all – lots of conference stuff in this edition as we are inside 6 weeks away. For those not on LinkedIn, I’ve been writing updates with highlights for different audiences and celebrating our sponsors and exhibitors every couple of days, all of which have been turned into a blog available at https://irrigationconference2024.com.au/conference-highlights-blog/.
- We are still looking for sponsors with many cost-effective options available for exposing your brand, new discounts on offer.
- Still exhibition spot available with 75% of the space sold.
- While we are welcoming international visitors, we’ve put a big effort into topics including workshops and panels of interest to our members, celebrating through our awards program, and exhibition activities. There’s still time to register, and we’d love to see plenty more member delegates.
3 days of international conference for only $1295 plus GST, if you are part of an organisation which can afford to send a few people, we’ve also introduced a 50% discount on the conference dinner – a flash feed, entertainment and networking opportunity at Australia’s biggest conference centre. Discounted tables of 10 also on sale now for the dinner too. - Don’t forget you can attend the exhibition free – everyone needs to register though.
- There are a limited number of scholarship opportunities available for young professionals which include the rego and social functions, along with a $500 EFTPOS card to help with out of pocket costs. Limited strings attached – we need people who are prepared to be “rapporteurs” – helping session chairs document outcomes from the presentations and panel sessions. To apply, please email dave.cameron@irrigation.org.au with a short application (no more than one page) including a short statement of support from a referee, and contact details for that referee should we need to reach out to discuss your suitability by 31st July 2024. Successful applicants will be notified by 9th August 2024.
2. Industry Workshops presented at the Irrigation Australia Conference and Exhibition
Irrigation Australia’s upcoming event just got better, with workshops and training sessions now open for registrations for conference delegates and some even available to the public!
Check out https://irrigationconference2024.com.au/workshops or follow the Program link for details of the other workshops limited to conference delegates!
Certification and Metering Workshop
This workshop is designed for all Certified professionals but will include extra content for certified Meter / Storage Meter Installers and Validators. It is an excellent opportunity to stay updated, refine your skills, and ensure you remain at the forefront of industry advancements and regulatory changes. We will be making presentations to those who've passed the 20 years in our Certification Programs since the last major conference.
Free Irrigation Scheduling Training Workshop
Designed for local government irrigation operations staff, this workshop covers everything from application rates, energy efficiency benchmarks, and performance monitoring, to system inspection and troubleshooting.Join us as we showcase the latest in sensor technology and provide insight into how we can use these sensors in effective irrigation scheduling. We will also cover how to correctly identify soil structures and their moisture holding capacities.
Water Utility / Irrigation Industry Partnerships Workshop
Hosted by Irrigation Australia and the Water Services Association of Australia, this workshop is ideal for local government and other open space managers. The session will include discussions around:
- Water availability for open space irrigation
- Procurement approaches to the uptake of practical irrigation approaches
- Greening benefits
- Maximising reuse opportunities
Water Conservancy / Waterwise Workshop
In an unpredictable climate, there is an ever-increasing need for all of us to be aware of our water use, particularly outdoors. Irrigation Australia's Waterwise Programs have partnered with stakeholders in Western Australia to elevate the standards of irrigation services by promoting best practices among contractors and retail stores.
With guest speaker Chris Philpott - CEO of Water Conservancy, this informative workshop will highlight our commitment to advancing the quality of domestic irrigation and focus on creating sustainable urban spaces in an unpredictable climate.
OneBasin CRC Workshop – Acceleration of the Adoption of Digital Irrigation Technologies: From Barriers to Opportunities
This 90-minute workshop will explore opportunities across the value chain for addressing known barriers to technology adoption, including need for trust and confidence in technologies, digital literacy, and interoperability.
This is a great opportunity to engage directly with the researchers and learn more about the CRC's significant investment in technology-related improvements to businesses.
Environmental Conservation: How Irrigation Makes a Difference Workshop
Participate in a facilitated workshop examining case studies and opportunities around irrigators' positive contributions to environmental conservation.
In this workshop, four irrigation network companies will explain how they are using their network to support endangered native species and improve habitat, at the same time as sustaining food and fibre production.
3. Irrigation Australia Awards - Honouring Industry Leaders!
Nominations for the awards are trickling through and we are excited to see the calibre of the nominations coming through!
This is your chance to recognise and celebrate our industry's outstanding achievements and contributions.
As previously advised we’ve introduced a series of new awards for presentation at this year’s conference, to complement the long standing Life Memberships & MacLean-Iedema Award.
The new award process is meant to be quick and simple, just follow the guideline and submit a one page summary of your worth nominee and we’ll be in touch to get more details.
- Water Efficiency Management Awards
Categories for Individuals, Small Businesses and Large Businesses. - Innovation in Sustainability Awards
Categories for Individuals, Small Businesses and Large Businesses. - Emerging Leader Award
One individual. - Innovation in Safety Awards
Categories for Individuals, Small Businesses and Large Businesses.
Winners will be announced at the Conference Dinner on the 3rd of September. The deadline for submissions is strictly 31st July 2024. NOMINATE HERE
For more information about Award Sponsorship Opportunities, click here.
4. August & September Training Courses - Register Now!
Our upcoming courses for August and September are now open. Secure your spot today so you don’t miss out!
- Certified Irrigation Installer BNE Monday the 12th of August to Thursday 15th of August - Certified Irrigation Installer - QLD (irrigationaustralia.com.au)
- Meter Installation & Validation - 3 Full Day Sessions – Virtual Training – Tuesday 20th of August to Friday 23rd of August 2024 - Meter Installation & Validation - Face-to-Face - Virtual (irrigationaustralia.com.au)
- Certificate III in Irrigation Course - Block 1 of 4 - AUGUST 2024 QLD INTAKE BNE Monday 19th of August to Friday the 23rd of August 2024 - Certificate III in Irrigation Technology AHC32422 QLD (irrigationaustralia.com.au)
- Certificate III in Irrigation Course - Block 1 of 4 - AUGUST 2024 NSW INTAKE NSW Monday 26th of August to Friday 30th of August 2024 - Certificate III in Irrigation Technology AHC32422 - NSW (irrigationaustralia.com.au)
- Certified Irrigation Installer NSW Monday 9th of September to Thursday 13th of September 2024 - Irrigation Installer Course - NSW (irrigationaustralia.com.au)
- Meter Installation & Validation - 3 Full Day Sessions – SA – Tuesday 24th of September to Thursday 26th of September 2024 - Meter Installation & Validation - Face-to-Face - SA (irrigationaustralia.com.au)
- Meter Installation & Validation - 3 Full Day Sessions – NSW Dubbo – Tuesday 24th of September 2024 to Thursday 26th of September 2024 - Meter Installation & Validation - Face-to-Face - DUBBO (irrigationaustralia.com.au)
There are funding opportunities available, click here to see if you are eligible! Need further clarification or answers to questions, email training@irrigation.org.au.
5. Launching Soon! - Irrigation Careers Website - Share your Journey!
Irrigation Australia will be launching our new Irrigation Careers website soon and we need your help!
We are looking for individuals who would like to tell their story, share your journey in the irrigation industry!
Do you want to help the next generation find their way but don’t know how? Help us share the amazing careers they can choose from!
Contact Naomi Carragher naomi.carragher@irrigation.org.au for more details!
6. Mental Health Article - From Disappointment to Development: A Resilient Approach - Student Tips for Study
When things do not go as planned, for example you may have missed a training block or session, then it's important to manage our expectations and learn from what happened. This will help us to grow, stay positive and take something away to work with. Here are some tips that might help us to manage it:
First up, let us give ourselves a bit of time to be normal. We can feel upset and/or frustrated when something goes wrong, it is normal to feel this way so taking a brief time to process these emotions can help prevent long-term stress and anxiety. Reach out to someone. Do you have a mentor or supervisor you can contact? Have you reached out to your trainer?
Next, let us take a look at what happened. Separate our self-worth from what just happened and see it as a chance to learn and move on. Focus on the facts: How am I going to catch up? What was I expecting? What actually happened here? What can I do differently next time? This helps manage any anxiety and gives us clear steps to move on with.
Now we can try and imagine the future where you have succeeded despite all those setbacks. Visualise those steps you took to get where you are now. This positive thinking shifts your focus from current disappointments to future possibilities, boosting your mood, reducing your stress, and will plant a smile on your face, particularly when graduating.
Take small, manageable steps to move forward. Breaking down big goals into smaller tasks can prevent feeling overwhelmed and build your confidence. Remember, it is okay to make mistakes. Each action you take is a step towards improvement. It is also okay to reach out for help. There is a support network around you, it may not be obvious, but it is not far away.
By recognising the emotional impact of those unmet expectations, staying mindful, thinking positively, and taking practical steps, you can support your studies and build a resilient mindset. This will help you grow both personally and professionally.
TIACS – 0488 846 988, https://www.tiacs.org/
Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636, https://www.beyondblue.org.au
Lifeline Australia 13 11 14, https://www.lifeline.org.au/
7. WaterAid Australia Celebrates 20 Years of Transformative Impact in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
This year, WaterAid Australia is celebrating 20 years since it was founded by the water industry. For 20 years, WaterAid Australia has been working with local partners to have a significant impact on access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in vulnerable communities around the world.
Since its inception, WaterAid Australia has reached over five million people globally through its comprehensive WASH programs. These initiatives have been instrumental in supporting 88 healthcare facilities and 511 schools to access essential water, sanitation and hygiene services, enhancing the well-being of communities and promoting better health outcomes.
In celebration of its 20-year anniversary, WaterAid Australia has released a film highlighting the impact achieved over the last two decades.
WaterAid Australia Chief Executive Tom Muller said he is proud to be celebrating 20 years of impact.
“As we mark this milestone, I am filled with immense gratitude. Our impact has only been possible through the help of our partners and supporters. To all our partners, supporters and volunteers, I extend my heartfelt thank you. Your unwavering dedication and generosity have been the cornerstone of our success. “
Despite these accomplishments, challenges persist on the path to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6)—ensuring universal access to safe water and sanitation by 2030. WaterAid Australia acknowledges the urgent need to accelerate efforts.
"As we look ahead, the journey towards achieving SDG6 remains challenging but essential," Muller added. "We are committed to intensifying our efforts, driven by the urgency to ensure no one is left behind in accessing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene."
Find out more at www.wateraid.org.au
Watch the film: here
8. Introducing Irrigation Insights - Induction Course
Unlock your potential in the irrigation industry with the new Irrigation Insights - Induction Course, now available for registration and access through the Irrigation Australia website. This FREE short course is designed as a comprehensive resource for newcomers, providing an overview of the industry. It’s an ideal resource to give work experience kids or potentially new employees a taste of what’s to come and the first larger piece of work to support our new careers site, currently under construction.
Upon completion, you'll receive a certificate of completion, helping to pave your career pathway in irrigation. Join now and start your journey towards becoming an industry expert with Irrigation Australia!
If you want to know more about the course, email info@irrigation.org.au. We are aiming to expand our online offerings during 2024.
9. Agribusiness Training for Emerging Industry Producers
We invite you to attend the agribusiness training sessions for Emerging Industry producers. Sessions will be delivered throughout 2024 and are free for Emerging Industry producers.
Expert agribusiness trainers have developed a range of delivery methods and topic areas, allowing you to tailor learning to your needs and fit learning around the seasonal demands of your business.
Topic: Crunch the Numbers: Agribusiness Cashflow, Ratios and Profitability Speakers: RMCG, Donna Lucas and Tristan Wardley Date: Tuesday, 27 August 2024 Time: 3:00 - 4.30pm
Register Here
These one-day face to face workshops will introduce participants to using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) process for planning. Participants will leave at the end of the day with a useable plan for their business.
Workshops will depend on at least 12 sign ups and be delivered in:
- Launceston TAS
- Thursday, 22 August 2024
- Townsville QLD
- Tuesday, 17 September 2024
- Two half-days online
- TBC late September 2024
Resources will be made available on the AgriFutures website following these workshops.
Register Now
Training Sprints
Join month long supported learning groups. Participate in fortnightly online learning sessions and access additional resources so you can learn what you need for your business.
Three upcoming sprints with focus on the following topics: Sprint 1 – Money; Sprint 2 – Production; Sprint 3 – Governance and Strategy.
Register Now
10. Citrus Watch Program - A National Citrus Biosecurity Program
Citrus Watch is a collaborative, national program aimed at protecting Australian citrus by improving industry preparedness for key exotic pest threats.
From commercial citrus production zones to high- density urban landscapes, the program links government agencies, research programs, community groups, and citrus businesses through surveillance, research, training and education.
The program includes activities in both commercial citrus production areas and in residential urban areas, where citrus trees are a common addition to a home garden. The program team provide access to training on the topics of biosecurity, exotic pest surveillance and pest identification for citrus growers and the wider public, and undertake preparedness work, such as pest risk assessments and incursion planning. Central to the program is a volunteer-based, exotic citrus pest early detector network, which involves deployment of 1000 psyllid sticky traps each year across Australia.
Visit citrusaustralia.com.au or contact program personnel:
Dr Sharyn Taylor, Plant Health Australia, staylor@phau.com.au
Dr Jessica Lye, Citrus Australia, jessica.lye@citrusaustralia.com.au
Ben Burchett, Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade, plantbiosecurity@nt.gov.au
To learn more about the program, click here or to find out how you can help.
Click here if you are interested in becoming an Irrigation Australia Member.
Click here to view upcoming Training Courses.
Click here to view the latest Career Opportunities available within the Irrigation Industry.
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