e-News Edition #17
Date: 07-Dec-2023
Hot Topics
1. Journal Summer Edition - Now Available
2. Welcome Sam O'Brien to Irrigation Australia
3. Invitation to comment on ANZSCO
4. Exhibition and Sponsorship Prospectus for 2024 - Check it out now
5. Conference & Exhibition Call for Abstracts - Tick Tock
6. 2024 Courses are open for registration now
7. Expressions of Interest - Irrigation Systems Auditor
8. Expressions of Interest - Cert IV in Irrigation Management - NSW Funded
9. Media Release - Basin Communities Fate Sealed by the Senate
10. Check out your communications preferences with Irrigation Australia now to get more targeted messages
11. Check out our Jobs Board
1. Journal Summer Edition - Now Available
Irrigation Australia’s Summer Edition of the Journal is now live and ready for your enjoyment!
Thanks to all contributors including, our wonderful editor Eve White, who has collated a few fun facts from the edition:
1. Living close to an irrigated park can increase the value of your property. Read about research on the economics of urban parks in WA on page 22.
2. Sprinklers on racecourses have been known to go off during a race, triggered by the vibrations from the galloping hooves. Irrigation surprises like this can be avoided by good system design. Read about Think Water Adelaide's Morphettville Racecourse project on page 25.
3. In Australia, more rain falls in our cities than we use from our dams. Rainwater Harvesting Australia recently ran an event in Parliament House, Canberra, to discuss the benefits of rainwater harvesting at a national policy level. Read about it on page 31. Michael Smit, Jackie Hammond
To read the latest edition, click here.
2. Welcome Sam O'Brien to Irrigation Australia
We are very pleased to announce the appointment of Sam O’Brien to the role of Business Manager – Training.
Sam is a self-described irrigation industry “lifer” having operated his own successful small business and most recently working for Valmont and RainBird. Aside from ultimately managing our Registered Training Organisation, he will take on an expanded business development role. We are very excited to welcome him to the team, commencing in late January.
3. Invitation to comment on ANZSCO
Irrigation Australia was recently invited to participate in the review of ANZSCO (job occupations) related to irrigation. Having clearly identifiable occupations is critical for a number of reasons (other than making it easier for you to find your place in the census), including more transferable roles and qualifications between New Zealand & Australia.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) are reviewing a number of national job occupations in preparation for their 2026 census. These codes are used to inform decisions made at all government levels including industry support, tax breaks, skilled migration lists, apprenticeships, and traineeships and more, we are keen for the industry to have a say in making sure that these descriptions reflect what the workforce does.
Skills Insight Jobs & Skills Council is making a submission relating to the occupations that we work with. We are keen to add industry comments to our report and assist industry to submit their own.
Why ANZSCO matters?
ANZSCO stands for the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations. It lists occupations in Australia, giving them titles, descriptions, and a skill level. Among other uses, ANZSCO is used to develop skilled migration occupation lists and inform policies and programs to address skills shortages.
When occupations are correctly identified, described, and given a skill level in ANZSCO, policies and programs that are designed to address skills shortages using the ANZSCO system have a better chance of success. ANZSCO is connected to a range of uses, as described in this fact sheet. Industry can provide feedback to correct issues such as: incorrectly described occupations; incorrect skill levels; and occupations that are not yet in ANZSCO (new or emerging).
The ABS is interested in understanding:
- what occupations have evolved, been replaced, or changed?
- whether skill requirements shifted over time?
- if there any emerging fields or unique jobs that you believe will shape the future?
The Irrigation roles that were identified to be included in this round of review included, Irrigation Designers, Irrigation Technicians (Trade Level), Irrigation Installer / Operator, and Irrigation Manager.
4. Exhibitions and Sponsorship Prospectus for 2024 - Check it out now
Welcome Davey and Brown Brothers as major event sponsors!
Spots are filling quickly! The Irrigation Australia Exhibition and Sponsorship Prospectus for 2024 is now available, and it's your golden ticket to unprecedented exposure, networking, and business growth. Don't miss your chance – secure your spot today!
This event is linked to the ICID 9th Asian Regional Conference and brings together industry leaders and professionals to showcase the latest advancements and solutions in irrigation technology. With a rich history of success, the conference offers an unparalleled platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and business expansion. Take the chance to be part of this remarkable event that drives the future of irrigation!
Visit the official event website for the Irrigation Australia Conference and Exhibition and click here to see your Sponsorship and Exhibition opportunities available.
We want the conference program for this event to be inclusive – encouraging all members and stakeholders with valuable learning experiences to participate. Technical or operational presentations on designs and installations for example are welcome and it doesn’t have to be “bright and shiny.” We want this to be a learning experience for all delegates and the projects from hell with what you’ve learnt or how you’ve innovated to fix problems are strongly encouraged. Please reach out to dave.cameron@irrigation.org.au if you’d like to discuss an idea or get some help in pulling an abstract together.
5. Conference & Exhibitions Call for Abstracts - Tick Tok
The Call for Abstracts is now live, and we're inviting you to submit your ideas, research results and practical case studies. This is your chance to be a thought leader, share your expertise on the grand stage, and shape our industry's direction. Don't wait; seize the opportunity and submit your submission now.
Theme: Irrigation’s role in delivering economically viable food security and sustainable urban green spaces in an increasingly unpredictable climate.
Head to https://irrigationconference2024.com.au/call-for-abstracts to review the sub-themes and a further eye on these e-news articles for other opportunities as the program evolves.
We want the conference program for this event to be inclusive – encouraging all members and stakeholders with valuable learning experiences to participate. Technical or operational presentations on designs and installations for example are welcome and it doesn’t have to be “bright and shiny.” We want this to be a learning experience for all delegates and the projects from hell with what you’ve learnt or how you’ve innovated to fix problems are strongly encouraged. Please reach out to dave.cameron@irrigation.org.au if you’d like to discuss an idea or get some help in pulling an abstract together.
Email training@irrigation.org.au for more information.
6. 2024 Courses are open for registration now
Registrations are now open for our comprehensive irrigation training courses that are set to commence in 2024!Our training programs are designed to equip participants with in-depth knowledge and skills across a wide range of topics that are crucial for mastering efficient irrigation practices.We provide a unique blended learning experience, with courses running both virtually and face-to-face across Australia. Our trainers have extensive experience in the irrigation industry and focus on providing a hands-on, practical learning experience in each course that we deliver.Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your skills in this vital and ever-growing industry!
7. Expressions of Interest - Irrigation Systems Auditor
Our Irrigation Systems Auditor training course is nationally accredited and offers candidates the skills and knowledge to become a Certified Irrigation Systems Auditor.
This skill set provides the skills and knowledge required to assess irrigation systems and site operations, collect and manage data, analyse and present research information, and prepare irrigation systems audit reports within the irrigation industry.
This course is designed for anyone looking to become responsible for assessing and auditing irrigation systems and operations. This course provides candidates with an incredible opportunity to gain a nationally recognised certification.
If you are interested in attending this course in 2024, please click here.
8. Expressions of Interest - Cert IV in Irrigation Management - NSW Funded
Our Certificate IV in Irrigation Management is a nationally accredited course, tailored to deliver a multi-platform learning experience, reflecting the technical, supervisory and operational skills as an Irrigation specialist.This qualification reflects the technical and supervisory skills and knowledge required to operate as supervisors and specialists within the irrigation industry. It applies to irrigation installation site managers and managers of irrigation systems in the irrigation servicing, horticulture and agriculture industries.
Certificate IV in Irrigation is designed for candidates with experience in the field of Irrigation, who are looking at progressing their career in to supervision and/or management of irrigation professionals.
Funding for our AHC41119 Certificate IV in Irrigation Management is available through Smart and Skilled Targeted Priorities Full Qualification Subsided Program.
To be eligible for the funding you need to meet the following Smart and Skilled eligibility requirements:
- 15 years old or over, and
- no longer at school or home-schooled students, and
- living or working in NSW (or an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person living in specific NSW border areas), and
- an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizen
For more information on Smart and Skilled eligibility, go to the Are you eligible? page on the Smart and Skilled website.
To apply for funding and enrol in our AHC41119 Certificate IV in Irrigation Management course, contact us directly on training@irrigation.org.au or Ph: (07) 3517 4000.
Fees and Costs
Currently there are two key components to the subsidised funding, the State Funded amount, and a co-contribution fee payable by either the student or the student's employer.
The co-contribution fee is determined on whether you have previous completed a full Qualification, as follows:
Previous Studies |
Co-contribution Fee* |
No Qualifications completed |
$2,770 |
Completed 1 or more previous qualification |
$3,240 |
*The co-contribution fee is payable in advance of commencement. Irrigation Australia then claims the balance of training costs directly from the New South Wales Government.
If you are interested in attending this course in 2024, please click here.
9. Media Release - Basin Communities Fate Sealed by the Senate
National Irrigators Council (NIC) is disheartened to see Minister Tanya Plibersek’s Restoring our Rivers Bill passed in the Senate today without bipartisan support, as the Government sought deals with individual cross benchers, driving a wedge into the heart of Basin communities.
Thirty-three Senators voted to pass the bill, twenty-six voted to stand up for Basin communities.
NIC Chair, Jeremy Morton, said that the future of regional Basin communities is being determined by Governments that have not undertaken any analysis on the likely impacts to communities and have minimal understanding of the repercussions this new legislation will have, not only for regional Basin towns, but Australia’s food production.
“There are still unanswered questions around the costs and impacts of this Water Amendment Bill, particularly on Basin communities who have already done their fair share of the Basin Plan heavy lifting.
“2,100GL of water has already been removed from these communities and they are still paying the price for that. Many areas will never recover and will now be targeted again.”
“During the debate the Government finally recognised that there are socio-economic impacts due to water purchases and the bill amendments, mean they have to now consider this in purchase programs, they could not provide any clarity on the criteria and any actions,” Mr Morton said.
The Bill will now progress back to House of Representatives, where the Government holds the majority.
NIC Is calling on Minister Plibersek to detail how her agencies will implement the final stages of the Basin Plan utilising the ‘other tools available’ to avoid further buy backs.
“It was disappointing to see the exclusion of complementary measures in the Bill. Without this is a missed opportunity to achieve genuine environmental improvement throughout the Basin,” Mr Morton said.
“This new Bill was required due to Government’s failing in their responsibilities to deliver what was originally promised in the Basin Plan.
“We do not dispute the importance of a healthy and sustainable river system for everyone. However, this Bill is focussed on ‘numbers on a page’ rather than on the final environmental outcomes the 450GL of water will achieve.
“Now it has passed the Senate, we urge the Minister to focus on the end environmental goal, to avoid further buybacks and the destruction of regional Basin communities.”
Ends. Media Contact: Jeremy Morton, Chair, 0429 873 230, admin@irrigators.org.au
10. Check out your communications preferences with Irrigation Australia now to get more targeted messages
Irrigation Australia is continuously improving its customer management system.
As we look at ways to improve our communication with our members with a more strategic approach, we need to know which region/s you are working in to make sure that you are getting the information relevant to you.
There is now a section in your account where you can select which region/s are relevant to you!
To do this, log into your Irrigation Australia Account located on the top right-hand side of our Irrigation Australia website.
Once logged in under the tab ‘My Profile’, you will see a section called ‘Additional Details’ with an ‘Edit’ button next to it. Click on this button and a ‘State of Interest’ with tick boxes will appear for you to choose from on which states are relevant for you. Once selected, click the ‘Save’ button, and that is all done.
If you experience any issues with the above, please email info@irrigation.org.au, and one of our friendly staff will be able to assist you.
11. Check out our Jobs Board
Discover new and exciting career opportunities on our Jobs Board, where members of Irrigation Australia can post job ads for free! Non-members are also welcome to promote any job opportunities by purchasing a listing.Whether you're a seasoned professional looking for the next step in your career or an ambitious newcomer eager to make your mark, our Jobs Board is a great place to find a position that suits you.Stay ahead of the job market and head over to our website to see what is currently on offer in the field of irrigation.
Click here to view possible career opportunities.
Click here if you are interested in becoming an Irrigation Australia Member.
Click here to view upcoming Training Courses.
Click here to view the latest Career Opportunities available within the Irrigation Industry.
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