e-News Edition #19
Date: 17-Jan-2024
Hot Topics
1. CEO Message
2. Obituary - Graham Palmer
3. 2024 irrigation industry awards to be presented in September
4. Changes and Opportunities in the Irrigation Australia Team
5. Federal Submissions - Productivity Commission and ABCB
6. Changes to International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage (ICID) Working Groups & Opportunities to Participate
7. Irrigation Australia Conference & Exhibition - 2024 Prospectus!
8. Irrigation Australia Conference & Exhibition CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - CLOSING SOON!
9. Your Pathway to Irrigation Excellence - 2024 Courses Now Available!
10. Check out our Jobs Board
1. CEO Message
All Irrigation Australia members are invited to participate in “Irrigation Futures” – the vehicle commencing in 2024 to help drive a new direction for your Association.
From late February we hope to convene a series of working groups to support each Irrigation Futures program area starting with the two detailed below. Irrigation Futures is “committed to building a sustainable Australian irrigation industry through application of the best research, high quality skills and careers development, and balanced policy advice.”
Program 1 – Irrigation industry profile and industry policy
In brief, we want to build our industry profile, reputation, sustainability messaging and recognition of our critical role in food and fibre production as well as urban open spaces. The program aims to:
- Increase our influence on government and others for the benefit of members and the broader industry
- Target government investment on a range of fronts – employment incentives, skilling, business support
- Promote positive messages and take a direct and more active role in representation to government, along with other collaborators
- Build the industry profile with other major end users – supermarkets, growers, local governments etc.
Proposed year 1 goals include firming up partnerships through revised MOUs, communications platforms, industry position papers and the establishment of a functional steering group.
If you are a current Irrigation Australia member and have an interest in this space, please reach out to me at dave.cameron@irrigation.org.au by 26 January. For those who stick their hands up, the commitment would only be a couple of hours every 6 months for an online meeting, then dependent on your interest and availability to participate in specific activities. The first meeting will help us get set up with a refined terms of reference and start capturing some ideas and developing actions.
Program 2 – Adoption of best practice, including research and development
We want to build better linkages between the best and brightest in applied research, manufacturing, management and so on and look at ways of brokering activities which grow the industry and improve the way smart stuff is adopted.
In year 1 we will again aim to firm up existing MOUs and our role in the OneBasin CRC, aim to develop at least funding application to support an industry-led research activity, and look at models to enable brokering of applied research. Again, please email dave.cameron@irrigation.org.au by 26 January if interested.
Our other two Irrigation Futures programs relate to industry skilling and industry careers. More to come on them a bit later. We are always keen to get feedback and ideas so again feel free to reach out if there is a topic you’re particularly keen on that you think we’re missing. Obviously there is a limit to resources but the point of all of this is to build a business model which can effectively support what members expect their Association to be able to deliver. We have a board strategy day scheduled for mid-February as well so it’s a great time to throw things into the mix.
I’d like to acknowledge the huge support of all of our returning sponsors:
Brown Brothers
Motion/ AIP/ Powell
and welcome Grundfos as a Platinum sponsor. I’m also pleased to recognise Irrigear, Think Water and Nutrien as supporting sponsors.
We are in discussions with a number of other companies.
The desire from these organisations to support the Association and broader industry is amazing, and during 2024 we will be working hard to ensure that these partnerships are exploited to their full potential. All contribute significantly to the Association in a number of ways, including helping us ensure that students get to use the best contemporary gear as part of their training programs, provide subject matter experts and other resources.
2. Obituary - Graham Palmer
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Graham Palmer from Irritech Management Services, who left us on Wednesday, January 3, 2024. Graham was well-known among our members and industry colleagues, and his departure is felt profoundly by all who had the privilege of working with or knowing him. A man of humility and quick wit, Graham took immense pride in his work.
Known for his honesty and straightforwardness, Graham was highly regarded for his exceptional skills in designing and managing irrigation projects. He was always approachable to those who respected him, readily offering assistance to those willing to listen.
Graham contributed significantly on the Botanic Gardens project. Serving as the on-site point person for data collection, he navigated the complexities of the site with its diverse plant collections. His expertise in designing irrigation systems tailored to the unique water needs of various plant specimens played a crucial role in the project's success. Despite the challenges, Graham's patience and amiable nature endeared him to all involved in the project, earning respect for his valuable contributions.
We bid farewell to a remarkable individual. Rest in peace, Graham; your memory will be cherished.
3. 2024 irrigation industry awards to be presented in September
As we enter the new calendar year, it’s time to start considering nominations for our existing and proposed new industry awards.
Life Members
Life member nominations can be made at any time. It is a fantastic opportunity to recognise those who’ve made a significant contribution to the Association and industry, and it’s been some time since a life membership has been granted so we’d like to fix that this year. We are also hoping to share more stories to recognise the achievements of existing life members. While it’s possible to nominate now, the guidelines are currently being reviewed and simplified with the aim to have a new version available in March.
MacLean-Iedema Award
Scott MacLean and Don Iedema were strong supporters and contributors to the Irrigation Association of Australia (IAA) during its early years. Both men were involved in the organisation at a regional and national level and Scott was a former chairman.
As partners and principals of the then large retail irrigation supply chain, Aquafield McCracken, they expressed their commitment to the irrigation industry through the support of their business and the contribution of their time to the Association and its ideals. Scott, Don and Roger Bell, an employee and talented, well respected irrigation designer with a young family tragically all lost their lives in a light aircraft accident in 1995.
In recognition of their contribution to the irrigation industry and the association, the IAA decided to create an Award to perpetuate and honour their memory.
The Award guidelines are also being reviewed with a new nomination process expected to be available by March, with submissions closing in June.
International (ICID) Awards (to be presented at the 75th IEC in Sydney)
- Watsave - The WatSave Awards are given in four categories: (i) Technology (ii) Innovative Water Management (iii) Young Professionals; and (iv) Farmer(s) to recognize outstanding contribution to water conservation or water-saving for the benefit of all water users. One nomination in each category is allowed from a member country. More information is available at http://icid-ciid.org/award/watsave/43. Nominations should be sent to naomi.carragher@irrigation.org.au by 31 March 2024 for consideration by the Australian ICID committee.
- World Heritage Irrigation Structures - https://icid-ciid.org/award/his/44. A National Committee can nominate up to four structures – please submit any ideas to naomi.carragher@irrigation.org.au by 31 March 2024 for consideration by the Australian ICID committee.
New national categories
- Distinguished Service – each committee of Irrigation Australia has been provided with guidelines to recognise individuals who’ve volunteered significant time over many years to support the business of those committees. The first Distinguished Service badge was presented to outgoing Irrigation Australia Chair Andrew Ogden at the Waterwise Expo in Perth in 2023. More awards will be made in 2024.
- Innovation in Safety, Sustainability, Waterwise/ water efficiency management, Emerging Leader and student and certification award guidelines are also being prepared for nominations to open in March with presentations at the Sydney conference. It is intended that awards in these broad themes are available to any Irrigation Australia member wishing to nominate a special project or individual worthy of recognition – as it’s the first year we will need to conduct an initial call to determine how much interest there is, and we can’t yet comment on how many sub-categories will be available in each theme. If you have strong ideas, please reach out to dave.cameron@irrigation.org.au. Similarly, if you are interested in sponsoring prizes for any of these categories, we would be very pleased to have a conversation about how we can make that happen.
As an industry, we don’t celebrate our members’ significant achievements enough. That all changes from 2024!
4. Changes and Opportunities in the Irrigation Australia Team
Kasey Barton joined us back in November 2021 in a training administration role and moved into our compliance coordinator role in 2023. Unfortunately, she has decided to make a career move, joining another Registered Training Organisation and finishing up on 19 January. We thank Kasey for her huge effort in our continuous improvement journey, wish her the best with her new gig and will miss her smiles, memes and injection of Christmas spiri
At the time of writing, we were still trying to recruit a replacement for Kasey. See Seek Ad if you are keen or can recommend anyone with suitable experience. The Association is going places, this role is really important in ensuring the compliance of our RTO, managing the funding arrangements we have with various governments to support traineeships etc for members, and general student management.
Sam O’Brien officially starts with us as our Business Manager – Training on 29 January. Sam is a self-described irrigation industry “lifer” having operated his own successful small business and most recently working for Valmont and RainBird. Aside from ultimately managing our Registered Training Organisation, he will take on an expanded business development role.
We are again looking to recruit more contract trainers based around the country (and we will also look at financial support to undertake training qualifications for the right people).
Are you an experienced irrigation professional with strong technical skills and knowledge? Have you considered a career in contributing to the irrigation industry as a trainer? Are you up for flexible working arrangements and a bit of work/life balance? Irrigation Training Australia (RTO 91313) is the only RTO operating nationally to deliver a range of accredited and non-accredited training courses to the sector, including the Certificate III in Irrigation Technology, Certificate IV in Irrigation Management, and a number of smaller credentials focusing on design, meters and a range of other important technical skill sets.
If you're an irrigation expert or have a related background in pumps, landscaping or horticulture, and keen to develop skills as a trainer, please send your resume or details of your experience to training@irrigation.org.au and if it looks like a good fit we'll be in touch for a chat. There is plenty of demand for our training, meaning opportunities to develop your career.
5. Federal Submissions - Productivity Commission and ABCB
Productivity Commission
The Productivity Commission has announced the third inquiry into the National Water Initiative.
A call for submissions is available at https://www.pc.gov.au/inquiries/current/water-reform-2024/call-for-submissions.
The NWI was created in 2004 and agreed to by all states and territories. It provides a framework and principles to support the sustainable management of water resources across Australia and aims to increase the efficiency of Australia’s water use, provide investment confidence and greater certainty for the environment, and improve water security for rural and urban communities. One key issue at the last federal election was the proposed re-establishment of the National Water Commission, which was supported by the incoming government but is yet to happen.
Historically Irrigation Australia has submitted around non-urban metering. At this stage we intend to lodge a high-level submission, particularly focused on “knowledge, capacity and capability building.” Please email dave.cameron@irrigation.org.au by Monday 29 January if you have suggestions to include at this stage. It is hoped that as our proposed “Irrigation industry profile and industry policy” committee evolves (see above) we will be able to provide more direct input into the process. The work of the Commission is well-respected and provides an important platform for advocacy.
Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB)
The ABCB has released a ABCB Water Efficiency Consultation Document 2023 which proposes national changes to water efficiency requirement to improve drinking water security, along with a simple 6 question survey which closes on 31 January 2024. The proposals are limited to indoor fixtures - taps, shower roses and cisterns.
6. Changes to International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage (ICID) Working Groups and Opportunities to Participate
The ICID International Executive Council approved a number of changes in November, which have rationalised the number of active working groups and committees. All of the merging, substitution and acronyms are quite confusing and – below is a summary of key current groups.
The point of this message is to seek interest from professionals located in Australia who may be keen to participate in these international groups. We will distribute more information as ICID makes it available, but in the mean time please contact dave.cameron@irrigation.org.au if a topic interests you and we will endeavour to provide more detail. Representatives can be nominated by each national committee for consideration and the nomination process will require little more than a CV. All groups will be meeting at least in Sydney in September.
Groups under the Permanent Committee for Technical Activities (PCTA):
- WG – IWM&D (Irrigation Water Management and Development)
- WG – NWREP (Non-Conventional Water Resources and Environment Protection)
- WG – LDRG (Land Drainage)
- WG – RWH (Rainwater Harvesting – not sure this is continuing)
- WG – SCER (Sustainable Regeneration of Coastal Environment)
- WG – WFE_N (Water Food Energy Nexus)
- WG – IDSST (Irrigation and Drainage in the States Under Socio-Economic Transformation)
- WG – CLIMATE (Climate Change and Impacts)
- WG – I&OMVE (Institutional and Organizational Aspects of Modernization of Irrigation Development and Management Supported by Value Engineering)
- WG – HIST (History of Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control)
- WG – CDTE (Capacity Development, Training and Education)
In addition, and for interest there are at least three new taskforces/ committees, one called the “Taskforce on Women Empowerment in Water Management” a new “Committee on Events” which amalgamates two former committees, and a “Task Force on the Long Term Financial Sustainability of ICID” under the Permanent Finance Committee.
7. Irrigation Australia Conference & Exhibition - 2024 Prospectus!
Welcome Davey and Brown Brothers as major event sponsors!
Spots are filling quickly! The Irrigation Australia Exhibition and Sponsorship Prospectus for 2024 is now available, and it's your golden ticket to unprecedented exposure, networking, and business growth. Don't miss your chance – secure your spot today!
This event is linked to the ICID 9th Asian Regional Conference and brings together industry leaders and professionals to showcase the latest advancements and solutions in irrigation technology. With a rich history of success, the conference offers an unparalleled platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and business expansion. Take the chance to be part of this remarkable event that drives the future of irrigation!
Visit the official event website for the Irrigation Australia Conference and Exhibition and click here to see your Sponsorship and Exhibition opportunities available.
8. Irrigation Australia Conference & Exhibition CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - CLOSING SOON!
The Call for Abstracts is now live, and we're inviting you to submit your ideas, research results and practical case studies. This is your chance to be a thought leader, share your expertise on the grand stage, and shape our industry's direction. Don't wait; seize the opportunity and submit your submission now.
Theme: Irrigation’s role in delivering economically viable food security and sustainable urban green spaces in an increasingly unpredictable climate.
Head to https://irrigationconference2024.com.au/call-for-abstracts to review the sub-themes and a further eye on these e-news articles for other opportunities as the program evolves.
We want the conference program for this event to be inclusive – encouraging all members and stakeholders including exhibitors with valuable learning experiences to participate. Technical or operational presentations on designs and installations for example are welcome and it doesn’t have to be “bright and shiny.” We want this to be a learning experience for all delegates and the projects from hell with what you’ve learnt or how you’ve innovated to fix problems are strongly encouraged. Please reach out to dave.cameron@irrigation.org.au if you’d like to discuss an idea or get some help in pulling an abstract together.
9. Your Pathway to Irrigation Excellence - 2024 Course Now Available!
Registrations are now open for our comprehensive irrigation training courses that are set to commence in 2024!
Our training programs are designed to equip participants with in-depth knowledge and skills across a wide range of topics that are crucial for mastering efficient irrigation practices.
We provide a unique blended learning experience, with courses running both virtually and face-to-face across Australia. Our trainers have extensive experience in the irrigation industry and focus on providing a hands-on, practical learning experience in each course that we deliver.
Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your skills in this vital and ever-growing industry!
10. Check out our Jobs Board
Discover new and exciting career opportunities on our Jobs Board, where members of Irrigation Australia can post job ads for free! Non-members are also welcome to promote any job opportunities by purchasing a listing.
Whether you're a seasoned professional looking for the next step in your career or an ambitious newcomer eager to make your mark, our Jobs Board is a great place to find a position that suits you.
Stay ahead of the job market and head over to our website to see what is currently on offer in the field of irrigation.
Click here to view possible career opportunities.
Click here if you are interested in becoming an Irrigation Australia Member.
Click here to view upcoming Training Courses.
Click here to view the latest Career Opportunities available within the Irrigation Industry.
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