e-News Edition #4

Date: 24-Jan-2023

Hot Topics

1. Message from CEO

2. New Victorian Guideline for Irrigation with Recycled Water

3. Call for Articles and Advertisers - Autumn Edition of the Journal

4. Perth Gardening Identity Lends Support to New Groundwater Campaign

5. Expert Panel Report on Bradfield Scheme Released

6. Call for Papers 25th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage of ICID

7. 2023 Waterwise Irrigation Expo

8. Winner of Waterwise Workshop on 19 January 2023

9. Have your say on Namoi Valley Floodplain Harvesting Rules

10. Sale of Annual Water Allocations in the Goulburn Catchment

1. Message from CEO

Welcome to 2023 all – hope you had relaxing breaks over the holiday period. Our first training programs for the year kick off towards the end of the month – more details here. We have a range of significant committee meetings starting around the same time leading into our Board’s first face to face strategic planning session in some time on 7/8 February.

We are sad to announce the departure of our RTO Training and Compliance Officer Tony Wilson from our team towards the end of January – the recipient of an offer he couldn’t refuse. Tony’s contribution towards improving the compliance of our RTO business has been significant. We still have a way to go to address all of the impacts on these programs through the pandemic but are getting there.

On brighter news, we welcome Stuart Alexander to our team as a full time staff member. Stuart is a vastly experienced and respected trainer and a top bloke and we are very excited to have him on board.

- Dave Cameron

2. New Victorian Guideline for Irrigation with Recycled Water

The Environment Protection Authority Victoria has released an updated guideline for designers and operators of recycled water schemes for irrigation - Publication 168.3: Victorian guideline for irrigation with recycled water has now been published.

Originally published in 1983 and revised in 1991, this latest version of the guidance has been developed in consultation with water corporations, industry, DELWP, Department of Health, Agriculture Victoria, Traditional Owners and various EPA subject matter experts.

It sets the state of knowledge that designers and operators of recycled water irrigation schemes should reasonably know about risks and how to control them. It is the knowledge a duty holder’s actions will be assessed against and helps define the scope of a duty holder’s actions. This is a critical factor in determining what is reasonably practicable under Victoria’s environment protection laws – specifically, the general environmental duty (GED).

Substantial engagement occurred with all key stakeholders, including Traditional Owners, during the review and rewrite of the guidance, over a two-year period.

This publication forms part of EPA’s guidance for recycled water and should be read in conjunction with:

Victoria also promotes the use of the Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling.

3. Call for Articles and Advertisers - Autumn Edition of the Journal

With our summer release just around the corner, our wonderful editor, Eve White, is starting to compile the next Journal edition, due for publication towards the end of February. If you have an idea for a case study or technical article you’d like to share with the industry, please get in touch with Eve to discuss. The features for autumn are ‘training and professional development’ and ‘digital technology in irrigation’ but we welcome articles focussing on all aspects of the industry. The deadline for all material is 10 Feb 2023. 

For all potential content providers and advertisers, check out the media kit available here. Eve’s contact details are on the last page, along with our advertising manager, Brian Rault’s.

4. Perth Gardening Identity Lends Support to New Groundwater Campaign

The Be Groundwater Wise campaign, to be run by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, sees Ms. Hahn provide a range of tips on how domestic garden bore owners can make simple adjustments to maintain a wonderful, waterwise garden in a drying climate. 

Tips include advice on how to use your home reticulation better, how to care for your soil and what plants to use. 

Be Groundwater Wise is part of the WA Government’s Kep Katitjin-Gabi Kaadadjan (Waterwise Perth action plan 2) to establish leading waterwise communities for Boorloo (Perth) and Bindjareb (Peel) by 2030.

Read more on begroundwaterwise.wa.gov.au and learn about:

Follow the Be Groundwater Wise Facebook and Instagram accounts for facts and expert advice and share the hashtag #BeGroundwaterWise to help our community be groundwater wise. 

Three YouTube videos are available:

The Irrigation Australia WA team has been a key partner in this work and supporter of the campaign.

5. Expert Panel Report on Bradfield Scheme Released

The Palaszczuk Government has released the report prepared by the expert Bradfield Regional Assessment and Development panel, alongside the Government response to the report.

An expert panel, led by Professor Ross Garnaut, conducted a year-long study into the Bradfield Scheme and has concluded that such a scheme would not be feasible.

The expert panel also included former Queensland Farmers Federation CEO Dr Georgina Davis, and James Cook University Professor Allan Dale.

Minister for Water Glenn Butcher said the thorough investigation provided conclusive and sound explanations of why there are better options than the Bradfield scheme.

"All the research shows there is not enough consistent water to support the Bradfield scheme, which was proposed more than 80 years ago.

“The independent panel found that the scheme’s costs far exceed benefits, so they recommended exploring better options for using water to contribute to regional development.

“This is the first review of the Bradfield Scheme undertaken by any Queensland Government in almost 15 years and it is very comprehensive,” Mr. Butcher said. 

“The panel extensively investigated the Bradfield Scheme and explored the possibilities of other water grids, or ‘mini-Bradfield’ schemes, making eight recommendations in the detailed report.

“The Queensland Government has thoroughly considered the report and accepted, or accepted in principle, all recommendations.”

The findings in this assessment align with the report commissioned by the former Australian Government and prepared by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).

CSIRO’s An assessment of contemporary variations of the Bradfield Scheme, concluded that the original Bradfield schemes and modern variants are not economically viable.

To read more on this release, please click here.

6. Call for Papers 25th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage of ICID

(1-8 November 2023, Vishakhapatnam (Vizag), Andhra Pradesh, India)

The International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) was established on 24 June 1950 at New Delhi, India. ICID is a leading scientific, technical, and professional international not-for-profit network of experts from the fields of irrigation, drainage, and flood management working together with the mission ‘Sustainable Agriculture Water Management’.

ICID has been organizing its flagship triennial event International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage since 1951. The 1st ICID Congress was held in 1951 at Delhi and so far, ICID has held 24 Triennial Congresses. The 25th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage and the 74th International Executive Council meeting is being organised by Indian National Committee of ICID (INCID) on the theme ‘Tackling Water Scarcity in Agriculture’ from 01-08 November 2023 in Vishakhapatnam (Vizag), Andhra Pradesh, India. ICID triennial Congresses focus on the upcoming issues that need to be addressed in irrigation, drainage, and flood management. The Congresses also provide a platform for reviewing a number of contentious issues concerning the future of irrigation water vis-à-vis increased demands for competitive uses. The aim of the Congress is to provide a platform for irrigation and drainage professionals and the broad range of other stakeholders to share their knowledge and experience in sustainable agriculture water management focusing on irrigation management and its related/integrated aspects.

CONGRESS THEME: Tackling Water Scarcity in Agriculture

The abstracts/ papers are invited from the policy makers, professionals, academicians, researchers, experts, and scientists from private and government sectors as per following deadlines.

  • Submission of ‘Extended Abstracts’ (500-600 words): 28 February 2023
  • Notification of Acceptance of Extended Abstracts: 31 March 2023
  • Submission of Full papers: 30 April 2023
  • Notification to Authors (oral/poster/presentation):31 May 2023


  1. Online ‘Extended Abstract’ submission is now open. New Users are expected to create their own account. The procedure for creating a new account is available at https://congress.icidevents.org/Register_Modify.aspx
  2. Please note that only the ‘Extended Abstracts’ of the papers are required in first stage of submission to enable peer review by an International Review Committee. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT THE FULL PAPERS AT THIS STAGE as they would not be reviewed now.
  3. Upon receiving acceptance letter from ICID Central Office, authors are required to provide/upload an electronic version of the full length papers in Microsoft Word format (file size limited to 10 MB) by strictly following the guidelines available at https://congress.icidevents.org/PaperSubmissionProcess.aspx 

7. 2023 Waterwise Irrigation Expo 

The Waterwise Irrigation Expo is the premier Western Australian event for the urban landscape industry. This biennial event provides Exhibitors a face to face opportunity with delegates from all sectors of the irrigation industry including Local Govt Parks & Gardens Teams, Landscapers, Irrigation Installers, Contractors and Retailers and Turf Managers. This event is promoted to these sectors through various marketing campaigns.

The Expo will consist of delegates being assigned to a group for the duration of the day and being escorted to various locations within a site of interest for hands-on field training.

If you are keen to secure floor space as soon as it becomes available, please send your expression of interest to tracy.martin@irrigation.org.au

8. Winner of Waterwise Workshop on 19 January 2023

Greenwood residents Andrew and Jennifer Johnson recently participated in the Waterwise Garden Workshops, delivered by Irrigation Australia at the Perth Garden Festival (28th – 30th October 2022). The workshop provided participants the opportunity to learn about climate change in Perth, lawn care, efficient irrigation, soil improvements and mulches and much more. One participant was randomly selected to win a major giveaway kindly donated by Rain Bird Australia consisting of a range of irrigation equipment, including a Smart Irrigation Controller with WiFi connectivity and local rain sensor, to assist in setting up a waterwise garden. Congratulations to Andrew and Jennifer.

9. Have your say on Namoi Valley Floodplain Harvesting Rules 

Community feedback is invited on proposed floodplain harvesting rules for the Namoi valley.

  • Public consultation on the draft floodplain harvesting rules associated with regulated river water sources in the Namoi Valley closes on 29 January 2023. Relevant information is published on our website, including:
    • a recording of an information webinar held on 6 December 2022
    • a presentation from a face-to-face information session held on 13 December 2022.
  • Public consultation on the draft floodplain harvesting rules associated with unregulated river water sources in the Namoi Valley has been extended to 28 February 2023 in response to community feedback during consultation in late 2022.

Stakeholders, water users and community members can attend a face-to-face information session focussing on the draft floodplain harvesting rules associated with the Namoi unregulated river water sources on Tuesday 7 February 2023 in Gunnedah. This session will provide a clear overview of the proposed rules, differences for floodplain harvesting in unregulated versus regulated river water sources and floodplain harvesting measurement requirements. There will be opportunities to ask questions and get information about how to share your feedback.Face-to-face information – Namoi unregulated river water sources:Tuesday 7 February 202310 am - 1 pmGunnedah Services and Bowling Club, Gunnedah.Register now

We encourage everyone to have their say and lodge a submission to help us understand and address any local concerns before we finalise the rules, which will be implemented through amendments to the relevant Namoi water sharing plans later this year.

Submissions relating to floodplain harvesting associated with the Namoi regulated river water sources close 11.59 pm 29 January 2023.

Submissions relating to floodplain harvesting associated with the Namoi unregulated river water sources close 11.59 pm 28 February 2023.

The Department of Planning and Environment will carefully consider all submissions before the rules are finalised.

For more information visit their website or email floodplain.harvesting@dpie.nsw.gov.au

10. Sale of Annual Water Allocations in the Goulburn Catchment

The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder, Dr Simon Banks, is selling up to 8 gigalitres (GL) of annual water allocations in the Goulburn catchment in Victoria, using a competitive tender process.

The tender will open at 10:00am (AEDT) Monday 30 January 2023 and will close at 3:00pm (AEDT) Friday 3 January 2023. 

A media release announcing the trade has been distributed and is available on the CEWH website.

Interested parties will be able to submit bids at a volume and price ($/ML) of their nomination. The sale will have minimum bid volume of 5 megalitres (ML) and a maximum bid volume of 500 ML. This will provide the best possible opportunity for small and large irrigators to access water through the trade. No agents (e.g. brokers) have been appointed to represent the Commonwealth. Bidders may, at their discretion, submit a bid using an agent of their choice.

The decision to trade is in the interests of maximising environmental outcomes locally and across the Murray-Darling Basin. It is consistent with the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder’s obligations under the Water Act 2007. The proceeds from the sale must be used to fund further environmental activities and/or purchase additional water allocations in other valleys or for future years. More information can be found here on the Commonwealth Environmental Activities Framework webpage.

The trade webpage now features information regarding trade within the Goulburn catchment, including Guidelines and the Terms of Offer. Bids will be submitted via electronic bidding form found on the trade webpage.

You can contact us at:

Email: ewatertrade@dcceew.gov.au 

Tel: 02 6275 9810

Till next time, best wishes.....

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